Individual FAQs
Participation FAQ’s
1) Does it cost to join Move for Equity 2023?
It is 100% FREE for anyone to join Move for Equity 2023. Additional purchases and merch items are available, but it is optional.
2) Who can join Move for Equity 2023?
Anyone, age, gender and from anywhere in the world can join Move for Equity 2023. For those under 18’s, parental permission is needed once you have completed your reg form.
3) Is Move for Equity only for Women?
No – Any person of any gender to join. We encourage male participants to join and stand up for equal rights for women.
4) What is the minimum distance I have to move?
To make sure everyone is invited, there is no minimum distance. However, if you do not have any physical impediment hindering your movement, we suggest you commit to 0.83 km or 830 metres, which is about 12 mins to walk.
5) Can I do it with my friends or work colleagues?
Yes! We encourage you to do the walk or run with your community. This can be your friends, your family or your work colleagues. You can register up to 5 people at a time.
If you are part of a gym or club, we ask you to encourage them to join also. If you plan to do it with more than 10 people, please consider doing your own POP-UP. You can see more about this below.
6) What do you mean by any location and any time
Move for Equity is a people-led activity, so unlike a regular run or event where you have to go to one place at a set time, you can make your MOVE at any time and place that is convenient to you. We just ask you to complete it any time between the campaign period, which starts at 00:00, on 8th March and ends at 23:59 on 12th March 2023.
7) What if I am not able to complete my move on 8th March
If something stops you from completing your move on 8th March, you can do it any time between 8th March - 25th March. If possible, we encourage participants to make their #move on 8th March.
8) Can I swim or Cycle instead of walking?
Yes, we accept any form of physical movement. This can be walking, running, swimming or cycling.
9) Is there a time limit or cut-off to finish by distance?
There is no time limit or cut-off. We encourage everyone to move a distance that is manageable for them. This is not an endurance campaign; no rewards will be given to those who go beyond their committed distance.
10) Is there a deadline for posting my photos and proof?
There is no deadline. However, we encourage everyone to post their photos on 8th March or as soon as they complete their #move to help amplify the campaign's reach.
11) I ordered Move For Equity 2023 merch. Will it arrive before 8th March?
If you registered in Manila or Cebu and completed payment before February 18th, you should receive your items by March 6th. If your location is outside Cebu and Manila, we encourage you to register ASAP to avoid delays. We are unable to guarantee the delivery dates of third parties. However, we will ship your items as soon as possible. You can share your merch anytime after March 8th.
At the moment, we are unable to ship items outside of the Philippines.
12) Do I have to wear the Move for Equity jersey to make a move on the 8th of March?
You do not have to wear your jersey, but if you ordered a jersey, we encourage you to wear it
13) I signed up after February 19th. Can I still order merch?
Yes, you can still order event merch at any time. Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery of your items.
14) Can I order additional Merch or buy in bulk?
Yes. Send us an email for any bulk orders. You may email moveforequity@fundlie.org with the subject line 'BULK Move for Equity 2023'
15) Do I get anything extra if I run longer than my committed distance?
You can walk or run longer than your committed distance, but we cannot give you anything extra.
16) Is there a way to compare my times against others
Once you have downloaded the Strava App, you can join the Move for Equity club to see other participants' posts. There are no prizes given to the fastest times recorded.
17) Why do you recommend 3.8K or 8.3K?
These distances are recommended as they signify the date of Intl Women’s Day (March 8)
18) What do I do to prove I moved on 8th March 2023?
Make sure you record your walk or run. The easiest way to do it is to Download the Strava app for free on android or iOS. We will also have a Strava club where participants can interact and share their movements on 8th March
19) What if I forget to screen grab when I reach 3.8K or 8.3K
If you enjoy your run too much and forget to screengrab on 3.8k or 8.3k, you can screen grab any distance closest to these.
20) What do I need to join Move for Equity 2023
You only need a smartphone or a smartwatch that can track your movement. You will need to have GPS active to record your distance.
21) Why is it only happening on March 8th 2023?
Move for Equity is taking place for the whole month of March. However, March 8th is International Women’s Day and we are using the date to raise awareness for gender equality and equal access to education for girls, but you can do your activity at any-time between March 8th - March 25th
22) I live out of the Philippines. Can I still join Move for Equity 2023
Yes. Move for Equity is open to anyone living in any country in the world. Just make sure you complete our ‘International Reg Form’.
23) Can I still join Move for Equity after March 8th 2023?
Yes, you can still join and complete your MOVE at any time between March 8th - 25th, 2023. Just upload your Move as per instructions.
24) What does the #StandWithGirls mean, and what is the message it is trying to send?
#StandWithGirls is a campaign for anyone to show their support that every single girl in the Philippines should have a safe childhood, access to quality education and an equitable opportunity to reach her full potential.
By participating in Move for Equity and sharing the #StandWithGirls, you are showing your support for the millions of girls across the Philippines who have a safe childhood, quality education and equitable opportunity to reach their full potential.
25) What platforms should I post my Move on?
You should post on Facebook and Instagram. Be show to tag and follow our pages on the platforms you will post on. Our handles are;
26) What tags should I use?
27) What # should I use?
The main # for Move for Equity are;
You may also use the following # to show your support for all children to receive quality education and equitable opportunity.
28) Can I move more than the 8.3K distance?
Yes, you can move any distance as long as it is safe.
28) I would like to invite friends to join me. Is this okay?
YES – we encourage you to invite your friends to join.
29) I am part of a running community/club. Can we join as a team?
YES - You can join as a club, and we can help promote this with logos and marketing materials. If you would like to join as a club or group of more than ten runners, please email moveforequity@fundlife.org with the subject title 'Community Participation'
29) Why is it called a pop-Up?
We called it a pop-up to show it is a spontaneous and quick gathering of people for a short time. However, it might also be seen as a virtual or ‘flash mob’ run. We don’t know the right name, but we like the sound of ‘POP-UP’. We are welcome to other names for future campaigns.
30) Can I organise my Pop-Up Move for Equity?
Yes, we would love for you to organise your Pop-Up! Please read the pop-up Qs below.
31) I am passionate about Women’s issues, and the advocacy of Girls Got This. Can I get involved with more activities to help
If you are interested to know more about Girls Got This or would like to get involved beyond this activity, please email us on girlsgotthis@fundlife.org with the email subject ‘more info’
‘Girls Got This’ FAQs
1) What is Girls Got This?
Girls Got This is an initiative to help educate and mentor marginalised adolescent girls and young women aged 13-25 across the Philippines. The initiative is led by Women and is under FundLife, a registered NGO since 2014.
2) How can I find out more about Girls Got This and their work?
You may visit www.girlsgotthis.org to learn more.
3) How can I help to support Girls Got This
You may email girlsgotthis@fundlife.org if you are interested in supporting our work. Please use the subject line ‘Support’
Pop-Up FAQ’s
1) What is an organised Pop-Up
An organised Pop-Up is where a time and place is sent to registered participants. The participants then gather at the said time and place, and they will walk or run together to complete the Move.
There will be several organised ‘Pop-Ups’ on March 8th. Each Pop-Up will have it’s own registration form. Stay tuned to our social media pages for announcements of Pop-Up times and locations.
2) Can I organise my own Pop-Up
Yes! We want as many people as possible to organise their Pop-Ups to mobilise and empower their networks to participate.
If you want to create your own Pop-Up, please email us the subject ‘POP-UP 2023’, and we will provide you with more information.
3) What is the minimum number of participants for a Pop-Up Move
The minimum number of participants needed for a Pop-Up is 15. Please email us if you would like to organise your POP-UP to take place anytime between the 8th - 25th March.
4) How can I learn about Pop-Ups close to me?
Mark sure you are part of the Official 'Move for Equity' Whatsapp Group' to follow all announcements, including details of Pop-Up schedules.
Final Remarks:
For any other questions not listed on this form, please email moveforequity@fundlife.org with the subject ‘FAQ Enquiry’, and we will get back to you.