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CLS Fun Learning Activity: Save Wildlife, Save Future


78 learners participated in the end-of-month fun learning activity at different FundLife's different Community Learning Spaces (CLS): Habitat, Libertad, and Ridgeview. This celebration was themed: Save wildlife; Save the future. The activity started with a face painting session of the kids' favorite animals. Below are some of the pictures from the different CLS sites.

Habitat CLS Photos:

Libertad CLS Photos:

Ridgeview CLS Photos:

They were then grouped into teams and participated in various games and activities following the theme. Aside from the games, the learners also took part in the gallery walk that was facilitated by Ms. Dhea Marie Arriesgado, a 3rd-year Veterinary Medicine student. Ms. Arriesgado took her time to discuss with the children about animal welfare. She also helped raise the children's awareness about endangered animals in the Philippines.

The event highlighted the recognition of learners from various CLS who showed improved academic performance and good attitudes.

Doing my best in the CLS classes finally paid off. I am very overwhelmed by receiving this month's Bright Kid award at the same time, I feel proud of myself. The CLS classes make me feel motivated. It makes it easier for me to understand my module even without my mother's help. I am no longer shy, I no longer hesitate to raise my hand during class discussions. I am now also more sociable with my classmates. I share my opinions with them,” said Khittara Shane the Bright Kid Awardee.

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