FundLife has successfully completed the first phase of our 'Safe-At-Home' COVID-19 emergency response, reaching 750 highly vulnerable girls from across Metro Cebu.
The response was part of FundLife's Girls Got This: Resiliency in Action (GGT: RIA), which worked directly to reach adolescent girls who have been out of face-to-face learning since March 11th 2020, representing one of the world's longest and harshest education shutdowns.
The GGT: RIA project was delivered in partnership with the local community and government partners, and prioritise girls in communities that reside below the poverty line and that are at increased risk of online exploitation and abuse as well as those who are at increased risk of not returning to education.
In addition to the distribution of 750 'Safe-at-Home' resiliency packs, FundLife also conducted mentorship and learning workshops to provide vital social, emotional and learning support to the recipients.
Baseline assessments with girls to better understand the wider impact of COVID-19 were also conducted. These qualitative assessments will be vital in planning future activities and referrals for girls who were identified as victims of domestic abuse.
FundLife is planning to continue with further outreach over the coming weeks as schools remain closed and children are forced to learn from home.