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FundLife Feature: Get to know Aspiring Youth Mentor, Coach Dan!

Coach Dan, as the kids call him, is an aspiring Youth Mentor of FundLife. He teaches football and life skills that the youth players can use in their games and in everyday life outside of football. Coach Dan also helps support the Community Learning Spaces (CLS) initiative where he helps students aged 6-13 years old with their modules, enhance their literacy skills, and conduct sessions on values-related topics.

Coach Dan first became a FundLife player back in 2014. He credits his trainings with FundLife as a catalyst that helped mold him into a better player and version of himself. In 2020 Coach Dan was one of the chosen aspiring youth mentors to receive further training with FundLife.

Some of his first works involved scriptwriting for FundLife's Stay-at-Home and Educational videos. He later on created session plans for Community-based Football Sessions (CFS) and became one of our football coaches.

What is your most memorable experience working with FundLife?

"My favorite activity with the kids is when I teach them the drills tackled in the session and give them tips on how they can improve their football skills. I love seeing them listen attentively, execute and improve in the drills and tips I teach them. My most memorable experience as a coach and youth mentor is every time I facilitate motivation through the dance before our CLS classes. This is to boost their energy before the lesson. Seeing the smiles of the learners while they are

dancing melts my heart."

Coach Dan's biggest realisation in his work as a support for CLS classes and a football coach is that kids have diverse skills. Throughout his time as FundLife youth player, and later on as FundLife aspiring Youth Mentor and Coach, he has learned to be more patient through his work. And that aside from having the skills, it is equally important to be passionate and motivated about work and accomplishing a clear goal.

"What I like best about working at FundLife is that we work for a reason and purpose. We always consider how our project recipients can benefit from our programs and projects"

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