Cebu City Don Carlos A. Gothong Memorial National High School is now digitally connected as it becomes the second school to be part of FundLife International’s Uplift Education – Reach to Teach: Dream Lab Academy Digital Schools (R2T:DADS) program.
Junrey Robert D. Lopez, a 17-year old student from Cebu City Don Carlos A. Gothong Memorial National High School shares his digital literacy journey with Fundlife, Give2Asia, and RISE.
Here is Junrey’s message during the Uplift Education Launching and his journey to Digital Citizenship:

“My name is Junrey Robert D. Lopez. I am aged 17, and born and raised here in Cebu City. This is the story of my journey so far:
The first time I was exposed to technology and the internet was when I was aged 6. I had a glimpse of my cousin playing a popular RPG (role playing game) called DOTA 1. When I saw him playing, curiosity got me, and I started wanting to learn how to play the game. Eventually, I got into the game and was playing it a lot. It eventually also got me introduced to two other games called Minecraft and Roblox.
I learned that making games isn’t easy and that making games requires skills and patience. So, I went into scripting. That was the first time I was exposed to coding. Afterwards, I focused on modding and learned about weapon modeling. This hobby eventually led me to choosing the course TVL-ICT CSS.
From that point, I gained much knowledge about computers and the internet - on how they work, why they were created, and when they are created. And with the help of FundLife Inc., I was able to improve my skills in content creation and social media management. The things I learned with the help of FundLife have helped me become a more well-rounded digital citizen.
I look forward to experiencing more activities and learning new skills with the help of FundLife Int. Inc. one session at a time.
Thank you.”

The Uplift Education Launching was attended by Mr. Jackson Tudtud, RISE Finance Manager, the faculty of Gothong Memorial National High School headed by Mrs. Marilou Dela Cuesta, and FundLife Int. Inc.