On March 28th, the province of Cebu declared a province-wide Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) for 30 days in response to concerns over the spread of COVID-19.
This quarantine is enforced by the military and forbids the operation of all services, non-essential businesses and public-transportation. All Filipino citizens have been ordered to stay at home and one ‘Quarantine Pass’.
In response to the loss of livelihood for daily wage earners and their families, FundLife teamed up with local volunteer group, Bayanihan Mission to launch a global COVID-19 relief fund with the aim to reach 1,000 families at immediate risk of food insecurity. In addition to supporting communities, FundLife has also provided PPE to local health offices who are lacking PPE for front line health workers.

As of April 26th, through the fund and existing partners, FundLife has been able to support over 550 families from highly marginalized communities who have been left without income and sufficient support. Aside from to food sustenance, FundLife has also provided hygiene kits and through a local partner, Bayanhian Mission, delivered awareness sessions on how families can limit to spread of COVID-19 by following social distancing and keeping good hygiene of their homes and the wider community.

With positive COVID-19 cases increasing by 400% in Cebu City since April 15th, the province of Cebu announced an extension of the ECQ until at least May 15th, putting even more strain on families who have been without any income for over 4 weeks.

FundLife will continue to respond to the immediate and medium-term needs of children and families, with both food and psychosocial support for children who have been without education or play for over six weeks.
To read more about the work FundLife is doing, you may visit https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/covid-19-relief-response/
