FundLife is delighted to announce a partnership with Pilipinas Shell Foundation Inc (PSFI) to restore childhood in the coastal community of Anibong, Tacloban. The partnership included the rehabilitation of the community basketball court, which was destroyed after Typhoon Haiyan.
The agreement will support over 100 children in Anibong through regular play and education sessions, restoring much-needed joy to children while teaching them valuable life-skills to improve their education and opportunity prospects. In addition to regular sessions, the programme will create a local Football Team for boys and girls, giving children a new focus and form their own identity through sports.
FundLife will also create a new ‘safe space for children’ by overseeing the rehabilitation of the local basketball court, which was completely destroyed by the Typhoon. The rehabilitation will end with a new ‘Court of Dreams’ for children and the community to enjoy sports and other community enhancing activities.
FundLife is looking forward to kicking-off the Anibong chapter and sharing some of the stories and dreams of children from the community of Anibong.